石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第三冊,頁1349&*故宮書畫錄(卷一),第一冊,頁5&*王羲之,生於晉元帝大興四(公元三二一)年,卒於太和四(公元三七九)年。瑯琊人,字逸少,王曠子,少有美譽。官拜右軍將軍,會稽內史。少年苦學前人書法,臨池洗硯,池水盡黑。卒能增損古法,裁成一體。精於章草、隸、八分、飛白、真行諸體,尤以真行書窮極奧妙,後世尊為書聖。其書法特色,是結體變化多,運筆圓熟。一字之中,點曳橫捺,妙幻層出,而又不失行氣流暢。&*1.何傳馨,〈傳晉王羲之大道帖〉,收入何傳馨、何炎泉、陳韻如編,《晉唐法書名蹟》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2008年初版),頁75-76。 &*此帖行草書兩行,云:「大道久不下豈先未然耶。」後接紙有趙孟頫至元丁亥年(1287)跋,認為是王羲之「龍跳天門,虎臥鳳閣」一類較為特殊的書蹟。此帖筆畫腴潤圓柔,第一行「大」字到「下」字,連筆而書,最後一字「耶」末筆長垂,收筆加粗,成彎弧狀。從傳世墨蹟及刻帖來看,王羲之沒有這類書法風格,因此有鑑賞家認為是唐人臨本,不過多數論者認為可能是米芾出以己意的臨仿本。(20081012)&*This work, consisting of two lines of semi-cursive script, is named after the first two characters. The contents translate as “The Great Way (Ta-tao) has not descended for some time, so how is it not first so?” The paper attached afterwards includes a colophon written in 1287 by the great Yüan master Chao Meng-fu (1254-1322), who believed it to be a special work like a “dragon leaping through Heavens’ Gate or a tiger lying at Phoenix Pavilion.” The brush strokes here are plump and rounded, with the first character “ta 大” to that of “hsia 下” done in continuous brushwork. The last stroke of “yeh 耶” is also quite elongated, the lifting of the brush being coarser to form a curving arc shape. Judging from surviving works and rubbings of engravings, however, Wang Hsi-chih did not practice in the style shown here, so some connoisseurs believe this to be a T’ang dynasty (618-907) copy. On the other hand, many scholars also consider this to be a freehand copy by Mi Fu (1052-1107) in the Northern Sung period. (20081012)